Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Airlines suck and care about no one, American Airlines and United.

Well once again I'm forced to go back overseas to work, thank you Obama and your lousy job destroying cabinet. I'm off to Iraq and I think its not the thought of being in Iraq again, its the airlines and their greedy careless attitude about the customer. I've been traveling overseas for 8 years now, everywhere from Iraq to Afghanistan, China and Africa. I've been all over. The best airline? Emirates and Virgin, they seem to love their customers. American Airlines and Delta, United Airlines and a couple others treat their customers like horse excrement. Well, maybe horse excrement is a compliment. They treat people like uncaring money grubbing dung beetles. American is the worst. I live in Oklahoma and always fly into Dallas, then catch a flight to Texarkana. Not 1 time, ONCE, has that flight ever left on time in 8 years, always scheduling me to sit another 2 to 4 hours again until the plane is rescheduled.

 They could care less that someone has flown 18 to 26 hours from overseas, having to sit in a London airport for 4 to 12 hours, then suffer through screaming middle easterners and unruly kids, lousy food and a helpful pilot announcing points of interest every hour waking you up from a painful sleep. Years ago attractive stewardess's were on the flight with a smile and a courteous hello. No we have gay men and grandmothers serving rudely and the customer is just a hindrance. 

If you're delayed and have to spend the night somewhere you have to get into a verbal argument with a counter agent to even get half off a hotel, even when it's their fault, which I've went through more than once. It pisses me off to no end when I have to hear when exiting the plane "Thank you for flying American as we know you have a choice." CHOICE??!!! I have no choice! My company books it and its the only airline around flying this route. I've been delayed, bumped, laid over, ignored, pushed and used by mostly American but United is as sorry as American is. I almost didn't go this time mainly because I have to fly. And stop waking me up to ask me to put on my seat belt, where's yours when you're standing in the back of the plane munching on sandwiches and looking at your kids photo's stewards? Why don't you show a little compassion when you walk through the aisles rudely bumping sleeping passengers? If someone is asleep why not save their meal for when they wake up later? My company paid a lot of money for a ticket so I think asking for a cup of coffee isn't going to be much of a problem, especially when your sitting on you ass for 12 hours talking about your sexual relationships back home. Stop giving out hateful looks and rolling your eyes.

Once I was delayed because American sat for 20 minutes on the runway waiting for an open terminal. I asked the stewardess to call and ask the Texarkana flight to wait 5 minutes. She refused. What happened? My flight left, 10 O'clock at night. Did they give me a room? Hell no! I had to get into a verbal argument with a manager to get a discount on a room and a meal, when it was their fault. My toothbrush and clean clothes were already sent away, so I had to spent the night and next day in filthy clothes and stench teeth because no toothbrush and clean underwear. Did they apologize? Not a bit.

Why don't you airlines try and pertain to make the customer happy? People including myself used to love to fly and looked forward to it. Now, it is a dreaded and hated task we have to take on in order to get from A to B. And please remove that stupid magazine where the CEO is bragging about how great his airline is. American, you suck and stink. If I can row a boat to the middle east, I'd go buy the oars.

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